Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Moor Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 2LR

01257 262489

Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

    Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit News

    The latest news stories from Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit.


    News Stories

    • Head Boy and Head Girl
      We have held our Elections this week for Head Boy/Girl. Congratulations to everyone. They will be presented with their badges in Celebration Assembly on Friday, 7th October and parents are welcome to come along.
    • Award Winners
      This week’s ‘Pupils of the week’ winners are: Reception – Daisy P, Year 1- Connor O, Year 2- Isaac P, Year 3- Jake S, Year 4- Jack N, Year 5- Lola A, Year 6- Oliver C
    • Clubs for Autumn 1 half term
      Monday – Homework, KS2 Dodgeball Club Tuesday –Homework, Hob Nobs, Y4/5/6 Football Club Wednesday – Homework, KS2 Badminton Club Thursday – Homework, Hob Nobs, Y2/3 Football Club, Y4/5/6 Netball Club Friday – Homework
    • Morning Yard Procedure!
      We are going to change how the children enter school starting Monday. The doors will open from which the children normally come in, at 8.45am. The children will no longer need to line up and they will come straight into class.
    • Home Packed Lunch
      Please do not send any nuts or nut products in your child’s lunch, we have children in school who have nut allergies and need to ensure their safety. Also, if you are putting grapes in these need to be cut length ways and not left whole.
    • Year 6 Leavers
      Thank you to our amazing Year 6’s and we wish them well in the next steps of their educational journey.
    • Thank you!!!
      Thanks for the incredible support you have given the school and your children this year ! They have made great progress and really ‘Showed us off’. Have a fantastic summer and stay safe.
    • Clubs
      All Clubs will be cancelled on Thursday, 14th July.
    • Class Photos
      Please return any orders by 9.00am Monday, 11th July so we can send them off and your photos will back by the end of term. The photos are displayed in the main entrance.
    • Summer Fair
      Thank you for supporting the summer fair, the weather wasn’t kind so some of our plans had to change but it was still a good turnout. We made a magnificent £810.10, thank you for all your support.
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