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Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit News
The latest news stories from Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit.
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News Stories- All Saints’ Nursery
There are places available in our Nursery! If your child is approaching 3 or is already 3 years old and
you would like more information please contact school. - Sporting Achievement
Football League – We played our first match of the year against Eccleston Primary. We found it very
difficult to get into the rhythm and lost the game 5-0. Our second match was against Whittle le
Woods. - Y6 London Trip
There is a meeting for Parents/Children in school on Monday, 9th October at 6.00pm for those going on the London trip. - Award Winners
Award Winners
This week’s ‘Pupils of the week’ winners are:
Reception – Savanna-Mae B, Year 1- Thomas W, Year 2- Daniel W, Year 3- Archie A
Year 4- Evie E, Year 5- Dylan R, Year 6- Madison W - Harvest
Thank you to Year 3 for leading our Harvest Worship, we are very proud of them. - High School Open Evenings
Parklands High School – Thurs, 21st September-5.15pm
Southlands Technology College – Mon, 25th September-6pm
Albany Science College – Thurs, 28th Sept-5pm
Holy Cross Catholic High School – Weds, 11th October-6-8.30pm - School Clubs - Autumn 1
The School clubs for Autumn term are as follows: - School Photos
Individual and family group photos will be taken on Wednesday, 13th September. Afternoon Nursery
children will have their photos taken at 1.00pm. - Home Packed Lunch
Please do not send any nuts or nut products in your child’s lunch, we have children in school who have nut allergies and need to ensure their safety. - Clubs
New Club letters have been sent out this week, places will be allocated for the sports clubs, starting
on Monday, 11th September and we will only inform you if they haven’t been given a place.