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KEEPING SAFE IN THE SUN23 June 2017 (by admin) |
Please ensure your child is safe in the sun at school & home
We have had a few children coming into school with quite severe sun burn. This can
be very distressing and extremely painful for young children.
The NHS advise during warm, sunny weather in the UK, children of all ages should:
• cover up with long-sleeved shirts and long trousers or skirts
• wear a wide-brimmed hat that covers the face, neck and ears
• wear sunglasses that protect against UVA and UVB rays
• use sunscreen (at least SPF15) and reapply it regularly throughout the day
• spend time in the shade, such as under a tree or umbrella, or in a sun tent (particularly
during the middle of the day)
Sun Cream: If you wish your child to use sun cream, please send it into school with your child’s
name clearly written on the bottle so it can be kept by the class teacher. Children will need to be
able to apply their own cream.
There are sun creams available now that last all day, which you could apply in the morning before
they come to school.
SUN HATS are also recommended available from the school office priced £4.00.