Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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01257 262489

Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

    1. News
    2. Head Lice

    Head Lice

    18 January 2023 (by Joanna Walters (JWalters))

    We have a few incidents of children with head lice in school.

    Head lice is a problem that ALL schools have to contend with, but with your help we can minimise risk of it spreading.  Some parents have let us know their children have head lice and the discovery of one case indicates that there may be others so we must all be on the look-out for these little insects which are very good at hiding. 

    The ways you can help to keep Head Lice at bay are as follows:


    • COMB your child’s hair thoroughly twice a day, particularly before bedtime, as combing can injure the louse and injured lice cannot lay eggs.
    • INSPECT your child’s hair daily looking for eggs because they are easier to find than lice. Working together we can reduce the number of cases.
    • Check the whole family
    • Those with live lice treat with one of the recommended lotions taking care to comb out all the eggs afterwards
    • Some Pharmacists can now prescribe lotion for Head Lice so you don’t even have to visit your GP.
    • Tell people about your child having Head Lice so they can also be on the look-out.
    • Children with long hair, keep it tied up- head lice cannot jump, but can walk from hair to hair if long hair is left down!

    IF you suspect your child has head lice – PLEASE DON’T IGNORE IT- Please ask your GP or pop into the school office for more help!  Also, look at the NHS advice on the link below.