PE Kits & Uniform18 May 2022 (by Joanna Walters (JWalters)) |
PE Kits & Uniform
We are going to be having a drive on correct school uniform as we have noted standards slip slightly over the past month or so. Please can we ask parents / carers to ensure children come to school in correct uniform/ PE kit each day.
We do have a little good quality used uniform available if you cannot meet the requirements so please contact school.
Shoes should be black, hardwearing and should NOT be canvas, plimsolls, slip-ons, trainers or wellingtons.
All Saints’ uniform must be:
- Royal blue sweatshirt/ cardigan or school logo hoodie (available in the office)
- White polo shirt or blouse
- Grey or black trousers / shorts/ skirt
- Black shoes that have straps or laces, NOT slip–ons, canvas shoes, plimsolls or trainers
- A coat which provides appropriate protection for the weather throughout the year.
All Saints’ PE kit must be:
White or team colour (blue, green, red, yellow) T – shirt ( available from school)
- Black or blue school shorts/ joggers/ leggings ( without writing )
- Trainers
Jewellery in school is restricted to stud earrings only (BALPE school safer practice in PE guidelines) children must be able to remove these independently for PE Sessions or removed at home.
Long hair should be tied up at all times. Large Bows/ slides are not appropriate as they pose a health and safety risk.
For Health & safety reasons school cannot divert from the above uniform/kit which is set out by the BALPE school safer practice in PE guidelines eg leggings or jeans cannot be worn. Can you please ensure that your child has the above uniform / kit FULLY NAMED.
School cannot accept responsibility for the loss of any personal items.