Covid Update26 January 2022 (by Sarah Partington (Spartington)) |
Wednesday 26th January 2022
I am writing this to provide you with a further update on the situation at school regarding COVID-19.
The past few weeks have been particularly difficult in school as we have continued to see both children and staff testing positive. We continue to work closely with the Department for Public Health in Lancashire under our Covid-19 Contingency plan using additional control measures to reduce the risk and keep everyone safe.
To help us reduce the spread of the virus we are asking that if your child displays any of the 3 main symptoms or the ‘wider symptoms’ listed below that you should test the using an LFT test or a PCR.
A number of parents have expressed concerned about being asked to take their child for a PCR when they have tested negative on LFT. We have found that many cases have NOT tested positive on LFT but then have on a PCR. Due to the school currently having multiple cases and to help keep everyone in school safe, it is advised you book a PCR.
When using the online booking system, select the option below to book :
‘My local council or health protection team has asked me (or someone I live with)’’
The wider symptoms can include:
• Diarrhoea
• A persistent headache
• Fever and chills
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting.
Thanks again to all the parents/ carers again who have tested their children swiftly when advised and requested recently. Being able to act on this information has enabled school to implement additional safety measures quickly and has undoubtedly helped to keep our All Saints’ family as safe as possible.
A very special thank you to all our staff who are working tirelessly to ensure that we can remain open by working extra hours, being flexible and putting the children first at every angle.
My very best wishes to the children and the staff who currently have Covid. We hope you all feel better soon.
Thank you all again for your patience and understanding
Keep Safe
Sarah Partington