Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

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Moor Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 2LR

01257 262489

Chorley All Saints' Church Of England Primary School And Nursery Unit

'Love to Learn, Together with the Lord‘ .... 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.’ - Psalm 25:4

    1. News
    2. PCR Tests

    PCR Tests

    14 January 2022 (by Joanna Walters (JWalters))

    As you are aware, due to the increasing number of staff and children who currently have Covid-19, we have reached a threshold and have had to take advice from the Department for Public Health in Lancashire. This has now triggered our Covid-19 Contingency plan and we are using additional control measures to reduce the risk of the virus spreading further.

    A number of parents have expressed concerned about being asked to take their child for a PCR when they have tested negative on LFT  but have what are now termed as ‘wider symptoms’ ( see list below).  Due to the school having multiple cases and to help keep everyone in school safe, it is advised for these book a PCR.  

    When using the online booking system, select the option below to book :

     ‘My local council or health protection team has asked me (or someone I live with)’’

    The wider symptoms can include:

    • Diarrhoea
    • A persistent headache
    • Fever and chills
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea or vomiting.

    Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.

    Sarah Partington